May 1st - July 7th, 2018 | 3,xxx miles (Pacific Coast to Grand Canyon to Lake Tahoe, CA)

March 2nd - May 2nd, 2012 | 2,780 miles (San Diego, CA to St. Augustine, FL)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day 30 [Uvalde, TX]

The bumpy roads continued for most of my ride today.  To add to my frustration I encountered three flats during the ride.  The last flat came when I was really close to town, so I just got off and walked the last two miles to my motel.  I was beyond pissed off.  Probably the closest I've come to a bitchy breakdown thus far.  The hot sun was also cooking me while draining my water supply.  I was out of water with ten miles left to ride, but thankfully there was a border patrol station that I was able to tank up at.  I was in such a bad mood, however, that I kind of snapped at one of the border patrol guards when he asked me if I had any drugs on me.  My response was something along the lines of "if that canine sitting two feet away from me isn't retarded then I think he'd let you know".  I'm glad they still helped me out.  The roads though...I can't understand why they would use such a shitty surface for them.  I swear to god the Romans had better roads.  Hopefully they will change tomorrow for me.  Thank god I have air conditioning and baseball on TV tonight - makes it way easier to relax after the day I had.  Although the rooms not the cleanest...pretty sure I saw a cockroach raping a rat when I came in.  


  1. Adam, Adam, Adam. You manage to make a rough day into a humorous story. Way to go. Sounds like you do need a rest day near a good bicyle tire shop.

  2. Wow three flat tires? Tough luck, but looks like you kept a decent amount of spare tubes around.
