May 1st - July 7th, 2018 | 3,xxx miles (Pacific Coast to Grand Canyon to Lake Tahoe, CA)

March 2nd - May 2nd, 2012 | 2,780 miles (San Diego, CA to St. Augustine, FL)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day 34 [Navasota, TX]

If I haven't tested my legs yet during the trip then I surely did today.  Mile after mile of hills that just never stopped coming.  Just shy of 70 miles worth of hills, in fact, that took me 7 hours of pedal-time to pass.  Little towns came and went for the first 30 miles, but after that it was pretty rural riding.  I apparently stumbled upon the world's smallest Catholic church during the ride, too.  One thing I can be happy about with today's ride is that my butt was the least of my worries.  For the first time in awhile, I was able to cuss and bitch about my legs hurting instead of my bottom!  Very happy with that new saddle so far.  Tonight  I am staying at a free municipal RV park, the first of it's kind that I've seen so far.  I can't complain that much since it cost me nothing, but I can tell you that I had to kill about 5 cockroaches before I could step into the shower here.  They even had a toilet plunger in the shower, so I got the point and used that to start whacking all these insects to death.


  1. Hey Adam, I have truly enjoyed ALL your posts so far, I check in very often. The pics you are taking are fantastic. Wasn't Austin the BOMB! great people, good food and great music. Nick told me you got some more abandoned gas stations, can't wait to see them. I wanna get in on one of those skype calls before you make it back. Good luck buddy, over half way there, you da man!

  2. LOL!! reading your blog is the highlight of my days!
    Thanks for sharing this son.
    Keep your positive spin on:-)
