May 1st - July 7th, 2018 | 3,xxx miles (Pacific Coast to Grand Canyon to Lake Tahoe, CA)

March 2nd - May 2nd, 2012 | 2,780 miles (San Diego, CA to St. Augustine, FL)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 21 [Fort Hancock, TX]

And the long trek through Texas begins.  57 miles of it taken out today, with a couple of long hauls ahead of me.  I plan on riding 70 miles tomorrow and 85 or so on Thursday.  These are just the kind of distances you have to expect when riding through this huge freaking state.  Thankfully I've had a few easier states worth of training, and should be well positioned for the challenge.  In the picture above, the mountains you see are part of Mexico.  I will once again be riding the border for a little while.  Pretty close to me is the Mexican city of Cuidad Juarez, the murder capital of the country at an average of eight a day.  But that's there and I'm here, right?  Let's hope!  In all honesty it has felt pretty safe so far.  Everyone is nice enough and you get the comfort of heavy duty border patrol trucks passing you quite frequently.  Tonight I'm in motel, but this will be the last night that happens for quite awhile.  I've got at least fifteen nights of camping ahead of me, hopefully sprinkling in some couch surfing stays if I can get responses to the requests I've sent out already.  Good bye to climate control and precious, comfy beds for now.


  1. Relieved to see your blog update. A few concerned people here are now glad that you have updated your whereabouts. Sounds like you will become very familiar with Texas. Hope you get the best weather. Happy trails.

  2. Back to the beauty of camping under the starlit skies sprinkled with lulling sighs of friendly animals by your side --the "Cat's Meow"

  3. Adam! Be careful, we need you to come back in one piece. Maybe you should just get a whole new tire rather than replacing the tubes?
