Central timezone! |
First a warning in advance: this post may consist of incoherent statements and random babbling because I am so tired. I had a longgg day. I made it 67 miles to Van Horn, TX but it took me nearly seven hours. I ran into a pretty deceiving incline that I didn't think was going to be that bad, but as soon as I hit it I felt like there was a dead longhorn strapped to the back of my bike (I'm in Texas now so the use of longhorn is appropriate). Halfway into the ride I stopped and ate lunch and was all but sure I was just going to call it quits for the day and camp in that little town's park. The lady that made my food (also the waitress and the only person other than me in the restaurant) told me that the hard part of my day was already over with. This lady had apparently held some sort of public office in the county and so she was on the phone whenever she wasn't dealing with me. She was using "jack shits" and other such phrases quite liberally and presumably to other public figures. I guess that's just how they do shit here in Texas. Anyway, by the time I finished eating it was already 3:30 but I decided I'd press on the remaining 30 miles and just get it done. I was happy that I did at the end of the day, but man those miles did not come free. I encountered some pretty bad headwinds, which seemed to worsen as the day wore on. On top of that I spent most of the day riding on an I-10 frontage road made of what looked to be tarred-down gravel. I also accidentally refilled my Camelbak with half lemonade and half water. Warm lemonade is even worse than warm water. I didn't want to drink it but I damn well had to. Time to pass out in my tent, tomorrow will be another big mileage day.
Appears that you have a real opportunity for some vocabulary building in Texas. Listen carefully to get the accent just right when you say "jack shit" or you may be run out of the state. Sounds like some serious riding though. Stay strong. Love ya.
New Time Zone, that's an accomplishment, man! Texas is gonna be an awesome part of the overall adventure.
ReplyDeleteYEEE HAAAA, ride them twin turbines!!!