May 1st - July 7th, 2018 | 3,xxx miles (Pacific Coast to Grand Canyon to Lake Tahoe, CA)

March 2nd - May 2nd, 2012 | 2,780 miles (San Diego, CA to St. Augustine, FL)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Busted out a 450 mile day today passing through Colorado Springs, Denver, and Cheyenne, before stopping in Laramie, Wyoming.  Once out of Kansas, I rode on 94 West in Colorado to get to the Garden of the Gods.  This is an awesome road and has to be one of the more rural ones in the entire U.S.  I went 70 miles on it without a single gas station, house, or any other sign of civilization.  Even other vehicles were spotted in about 10 minute intervals.  This was a great road for making my own bathroom stops.
 Garden of the Gods is a tourist attraction/state park located in Colorado Springs.  It consists of large and beautiful natural red rock formations.  To accompany the rock formations, there is a gorgeous view of the snow-covered Rockies in the background.  Some of these rock formations were hundreds of feet tall and had people climbing them.  The signs at the bases of the formations read "climb at your own risk", whereas in Virginia these signs would have given some sort of warning about being prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law if caught climbing.  I also passed through Denver on my way to Wyoming, but was only there long enough to check out Tebow's house.  The drive through Colorado was the most enjoyable I've had yet.  It is simply a beautiful state, and traveling along I-25 you get an amazing view of the Rocky Mountains pretty much the entire way.
 The surprise of the day goes to me randomly finding the town of Buford, Wyoming.  Months ago I had read about this place on Reddit but didn't even remember that it was in Wyoming until I saw an exit for it today!  I'm not sure how or why this happened, but apparently the town of Buford has its very own zip code and is home to just one lonely man.  Forever alone in Buford, WY.


  1. Adam,
    Enjoying your accountings of rural sights and kindness of fellow Americans. Gives us a different perspective outside the beltway and the
    East Coast big cities.

  2. Adam,

    Do not know how I got trusj assigned to me, but the above comment is from Annie.

  3. Any more photos from the Garden of the Gods?
